Hi All,
The Gymstart challenge for all the Douglas Gymnasts will take place on Sunday 10th Dec in the UL Sports arena (University of Limerick) @2.30pm
Please do not arrive any earlier then 2.20pm – as you will not be permitted to enter the arena until 2.30pm – if you arrive earlier there is a café next to the sports arena where you can go for a coffee etc to wait.
Reminder all gymnasts to wear
Black club leotard – black with diamonds across the front of it. ( no vests, showing underwear, leggings or shorts to be worn. Gymnasts will also be doing the event in their barefeet.
Hair tied up neatly
Black club shorts & white club tshirt
(boys from elm group – black leotard and leotard shorts)
Please make sure all the gymnasts items of clothing are clearly labelled.
They will all also need a bag to put their tracksuits etc into prior to the event (we are unsure as to how crowded area will be where gymnasts will be handed over to the coaches or if this will be inside or outside the hall – if it is possible we will try and get the gymnasts to leave all belongings with parents)
If any of the gymnasts have a club tracksuit or club hoodies etc – please wear these to the event so the gymnasts are easily identifiable to the coaches on arrival
The club shop will be open this Friday 1st Dec from 5-7pm & Sat 2nd from 11-2pm if anyone wishes to purchase leotards , shorts , tshirts etc
Best of luck to everyone taking part!